Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Political parties

I was assigned to the group that was supposed to find information on all the parties that the other groups researched and our group was supposed to find information on other parties in Germany. As a group we got together on Wednesday after class and we decided that Kari would set up a document on Google so that when we found information we could post it to the document, that way we wouldn’t have to worry about meeting anywhere because of such uncoordinated schedules between all the group members. After we gathered all the information about particular parties we decided as a group to put it all on a PowerPoint to present to the class.
For the project I helped with all the parties we found and I just brushed up the information to try and find interesting facts that the other members of our group never found; if any. I found most of the flags and symbols for the parties and made sure that everybody’s information was cited. Most of my work was done on the NPD (Nazi Party), there was a lot of information on the Nazi party that I found mainly because I feel it had to do with Hitler and it was happening around his era.
The party that seemed most interesting to me was the Pirate party. The pirate party seemed like a party that kind of gave you free will for anything you wanted to do within the boundaries set by the party. The Pirate party wasn’t a real strict party at all; I learned some things about it when I was listening to the presentations that totally caught me off guard. When I first read “Pirates” I thought that it meant a group of people that dress up like actual pirates with peg legs and eye patches and ship, later I found out it was a group that was more like the pirating that you would do on the internet.
I like doing group work even though it was very hard for our group to actually meet in person, I loved Kari’s idea of making a Google document. The Google document was a lot easier to add information that it was to try and set up a time to meet and worrying about conflictions. If I was to do another group project; which I’m sure we will do, I would do it through a Google document again. I think that are grouped worked together well to get the task done. The link to the PowerPoint is posted on the top of this page, you can access it if you click on Political parties.

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